We arrived at what will be our campsite for the next five days. We are staying a little east of Groveland on hwy 120. We are 20 min from Yosemite. We had a nice easy drive across the valley. There are so many memories for me there it's like going to a ghost town - ghosts of my old life . . .
We stopped in Modesto for supplies, Oakdale for lunch and the Hershey's chocolate factory (they don't give tours any more due to 9/11 - too bad), and Knights Ferry just to check it our again. I haven't been to some of these places in over 15 years. I was neat to go back and re-discover them. After leaving Knights Ferry we turned south and climbed Priest Grade. That is probably the steepest climb I have ever done with the truck & trailer. I don't think we got out of second gear for the entire 5+ miles. We took it real slow and the truck did great. No shortage of power, but burned plenty of gas!!
We have a nice campsite with a lot of space. It is beautiful here, and we are not even at the park yet. We are headed to bed early, it's been a long day. Tomorrow we are off to the park!
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