Thursday, December 24, 2009


"I've been a Christian for about 30 years now, but had been leading a pretty dry walk for much of the time. Five years ago, my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer. While I did rely on God to get us thru the stress of that, still, my walk was dry. Praise God, my husband is clean and cancer free.

Four years ago, at age 46 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Needless to say, I turned to God. What a legacy to leave my teenaged children, both parents having cancer. Just after my surgery, but before I began chemotherapy, I purchased your "Kutless" CD for my son, strictly on a lark. I saw that you were a local band so I gave it a shot.

Erik played the CD one night and while I was sitting at the kitchen table working a puzzle, "Run" came on. Like a knife it stabbed my heart! The visual effect it had on my imagination was heartbreaking. Jesus was calling out to me to come back to him in a way I had never thought of. I knew that God wanted ALL of me.

Sobbing, I got up from the table and went to my bedroom where I got face down on the floor [for the first time] and asked God to forgive my apathy. I poured out all my cares, fears and sin to Him. It was at that point that I discovered a peace that surpasses all understanding [Phillipians 4:7]. I can honestly say I am happy cancer came into our lifes because it, along with your beautiful lyrics, led me back to my Savior. Thru your song, our family rededicated our life to Jesus and are active in youth ministry. My son is leaving for Multnomah Bible College in a few days with a goal of becoming a missionary. God used your music mightily in our home!

Fast forward 3.5 years and my Dad became gravely ill. I drove from Portland to California to be with him. After two weeks, he came home in stable but guarded condition. My sister and I did not know whether my Dad knew Jesus, but in the flurry of caring for him at home, juggling the nurses and his medical needs, we never asked.

Eventually, I drove back home to Portland and popped in your "Sea Of Faces" CD. I heard "It's Like Me" for the first time. Again, I began sobbing. How on earth could I have let time pass with my Dad and NOT talk to him about Jesus? Once again, God used your lyrics to motivate me to do His work.

Upon arriving home, I called my sister and told her I was coming down very soon and to keep me up to date by the hour of my Dad's condition. Within a few days I was back in California and at my Dad's side. One morning I asked if I could read the bible to him. Eventually, I asked him if he had accepted Jesus as his Savior. He hadn't but was willing. My sister and I prayed with him at that point and he accepted Jesus as his Savior! God used "It's Like Me" to NOT allow any more time to pass before talking with my Dad. It continues to be an inspiration to me to witness for Jesus.

Guys, so many of your songs convict and inspire me and my family. We've been to four of your concerts and never cease to be inspired by you. I pray that God continues to use you mightily in the years to come. Many blessings to you and your family. Please tell them we appreciate the sacrifices they are making so we can hear you beautiful music. "

Cynthia - Portland, OR


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