Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Evidence of the Impossible

Consider these facts:

•8 prophecies met in one person
•1 x 10^17or less than 1 in a quadrillion
•If spread over the state of Texas, this many silver dollars would stand two feet deep. If we marked one with an X, stirred the whole mass thoroughly, blindfolded a man, and gave him one chance to pick the right one across the whole state, this is his chance of picking the one with the X.

May you be blessed this Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Search me, Know me

Search me, know me
Try me and see
Every worthless affection hidden in me
All I'm asking for is that You'd cleanse me, Lord

Create in me a heart that's clean
Conquer the power of secret shame
Come wash away the guilty stain of all my sin

Clothe me in robes of righteousness
Cover my nakedness with grace
All of my life before You now I humbly bring