We had A busy weekend. Friday we stayed home and relaxed. Saturday I cleaned the house, mowed the yard, and did some homework. Then we went over to Nicole's grandmothers (Yiayia) house for dinner. Nicole's Aunt Marie is out from Pennsylvania helping Yiayia with Papou. It was nice to see them, but it is hard with all of the things going on with the family. Papou, her grandfather, is still hanging on. They are feeding him some, but the feeding tube has been removed. It's a hard time for the family right now, and it was hard being there last night.
Today we got up, made a huge breakfast (eggs, bacon, toast) then went to church. After church I went over to Kathy's and painted her new chimney cap. It was bare steel and needed to be sealed before the rains came. I rented a 24 foot expansion ladder and had to extend it almost all the way to get to the top of the chimney. That was a little nerve racking, but I got it done. I then came back home and did some studying for my upcoming Real Estate Exam.

Then tonight we went back to Kathy's place to celebrate Nicoles other grandmother's (Carol) birthday. It is the first time Kathy has been able to entertain in her new place. Kathy made us a great dinner and a homemade ice cream cake for dessert. Tonight Madison was super wired and there were no toys there for her to play with. So of course she got into everything she wasn't supposed to and got into a lot of trouble. I have never had to scold her so much in one night! I think I felt a little taste of what my parents had to go through with me when I was that age.
Gabby & Brian come over as well and Brian helped me set up the last bedroom in the house, the master bedroom. The place is really starting to look like a home. It is almost finished. The last room that has work still in progress is the master bathroom toilet & shower closet. The contractors should be done and gone by the end of next week. It can't happen soon enough for Kathy. This has dragged on so long already. We were laughing tonight because we realized she has made four house payments already and only lived there a week and a half!